To sum it up, we entered the hospital last Wednesday (23rd) at 7pm and due to some confusing "fluids", contractions, etc that resulted in a wrong diagnosis by our (now) "ex" doctor we did not come back out again until Fr (25th) at Noon. Despite a glowing sonogram (where we learned she has all her external and internal parts- and all look very healthy) and an "amnio" that showed fully developed lungs, and despite Charlette being on Pitocin to induce labor and having a epidural for almost the entire time.... we did not have the baby. We went from induction, to hold, to definite (no backing out induction) to discharge from the hospital. It was a tough roller coaster ride that resulted in lots of bad food and ending up calming
We were back again Sunday (27th) night from about 9 until midnight.
We had the appt with our new doctor (which we really like) on TU (29th) - for about 3 hours. You know how the first appointment always is-
We were back again last night (30th) in the ER/delivery from about 430pm until 6p or so ...... we are getting these false alarms down to a science! Even though she was having contractions 3 minutes apart for a stretch of 6 hours.... we were sent home and told to come back when they were "more intense". Across all of these visit we are always told how healthy the baby looks and all is very good!
Today is a followup sonogram.... and we are hoping for some indication of how much longer we have. Good thing is we have discovered the contractions will eventually stop when she lays down... and all of these "visits" have been good test runs that have resulted in Paul and I realizing we needed to get things ready and stop putting it off. After the hospital drama last weekend we went and bought all we needed and were fully ready by the next run .... and we think we have decided a name but are holding it (to make sure) until we must write it down .... to make the decision final.